A destination never to be arrived at
Meditation On The Laws Of Allowance
You enter where you enter, head bowed just enough
to pass without striking notice or scraping a threshold
of dismissal. Each life is a temple and to check one’s
feet before entering is to free the debris of a journey
no longer being undertaken. Destiny is nothing if not a
destination never to be arrived at. It is no different here.
She sits like a figure in contemplation, musing something
silent and secret, something not given to examination
by forces outside her own nature. Regard this then as
sacrosanct and take your place quietly, with permission.
It is the right thing to do. Do this and nothing else without
her grant of endowment. Be still now; listen with intent.
You may marvel at her inwardness, the scope of her descent
into all that matters to make her who she is, in spite of who you
imagine her to be. Allow for this. You cannot know the whole
story as she cannot retell it. Yours is to come to know your own,
as far as possible, learn it, as far as possible, speak it, as far as
possible. In this you are kindred tellers of an unfolding tale.
Would you have it any other way than rich with the mead of
mystery and unknowingness? Would you know all things to
but be reminded that there are things you can never know?
Would you sit her temple and think of brassworn spires piercing
the jungletop, overrun with the rootwork of all it took to build
them into beautiful ruin as they now stand in rich corrosion?
So enter as you will enter. Mind your head and feet. Know,
beforehand, which are which. Pass with grace conferred by
her merest nod or smile. Embrace abundance as enough. She
will find you a place among her sagas, or not. Be content in
your role as minor legend that, while not flashing swords across
an embellished sun, you are nevertheless a vital bearer of the pearl.
Joseph Gallo
March 8, 2009
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