Monday, October 31, 2011

As it does with everything


I blame the moon for making things obvious. ~Kyle Kimberlin


It must be the rotund starkness against unerring black
that allows for such contrast to swallow both eye and
reason. She was gone from my side a long time before
I noticed and for a long time before that. Standing as
we did there on a cliff, salted light on the sea below us
racing with worry all the way to a horizon that swelled
unseen in the distant darkness, our words snapping off
peaked reflections that brought us to such departure.


Early October and summer gone, she went with it and
that was that. I might have written poems and songs
that tore bits of fabric laid out with love in craterglow.
The scent of hyacinth and lavender, anise rising up
in a coil of chaparral dragon that blew wind from a
desert we could not see from here. I wanted the moon
to lie, to tell me love would continue until sweet ruin
came to take it all back as it does with everything.

Joseph Gallo
October 24, 2011



Blogger Jan parried...

I love this poem. Lovely imagery throughout ~ "The scent of hyacinth and lavender, anise rising up
in a coil of chaparral dragon that blew wind from a desert we could not see from here." Thank you for sharing your wonderful words with the planet :o)

November 02, 2011 10:37 AM  
Blogger Joseph Gallo parried...

Thank you for your kind comment, Jan. Glad you enjoyed the piece. More soon and soon enough. ;-)

November 03, 2011 11:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown parried...

Beautiful, Joseph. A strong sense of place and of sorrow. And I'm touched you used my line for an epigraph.

November 06, 2011 10:10 AM  
Blogger Joseph Gallo parried...

Thank you for the fuse light, Kyle. You know how these things go---a small spark and we have ignition. Autumn seems the time for things of sorrow, the embracing of what passes from that place into whatever it becomes.

November 07, 2011 9:12 AM  

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