In the space between evidence and faith
When The Wind Comes
For Diane Holland
When the wind comes for me, let me gaze out a window
to see it bring trees to kneel, praise water into horsetails,
send sand to scrub the sky for all your blue tomorrows.
We will step into it together, when yellow flowers erupt like suns
in spring grass and kites calibrate the weather. Should you see two
hawks circling, trailing silent fire, think of me beside you like this.
Let promise become a celebration in grief and let the ache
become as holy as solitude. There is a kind of joy in this I
would wish for you and ask that you keep kindled for me.
When the wind comes for you, I will be at your window.
Look for me there in the space between evidence and faith.
We will step through together and you need not be afraid.
Embrace me there where most your senses deceive you.
Honor me in this way as you would live your lives as
tribute to whatever I might have once meant to you.
Eat for me common fruit and the sweet succulences of ripened
music. Wear fabric woven of light within and succor all who would
find comfort there. Wash yourselves in the wind that comes for us.
Lastly, sing by the window that your psalm might find me rapt and
swooning. In this way shall tomorrows without number amass and
draw near. I will think of you circling beside me in song like this.
Joseph Gallo
April 20, 2007
In Loving Memory of Diane Michelle Holland
March 13, 1951 - April 12, 2007
Absolutely beautiful, Joseph. What an honour.
What a beautiful tribute. I'm truly made speechless by the loveliness of it.
To be known and loved so well. it is truly beautiful evidence of your faith.
For Diane. A wondrous window, with
soft streaming light, and views of
love spoken into evidence...
This is something Diane herself wrote through me during a spring rain. Mille grazie to you all for your comments.
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