:: :: :: :: terrible dragon: slaying the world one poem at a time :: :: :: ::
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Devils whose nickel charms
When They Kiss
When they kiss like that the ache settles in. Not like fish beneath slow creek shadows; not like slippers under a half empty bed.
When they kiss like that my atoms speak in tongues. Not like Pentecosts who roll dead language in the aisles; not like devils whose nickel charms slip out of contentment.
When they kiss like that I feel the absence of you. Not you who braced against conquest in my kiss; not you who summoned skyless thunder.
When they kiss like that life makes perfect sense. Not sense simmered down from seasoning; not sense wrought through experience.
When they kiss like that the world vanishes. Not the world you left me with; not the world that ever was.
The stories arrive from horizons well beyond the narrow margins given to our behold. Skies stream in thin blue skins to skim over all we would give up in surrender and prayer. Some chapters are much like others and only the retelling sets them apart. A cast shadow becomes a character we watch and follow scene by scene through perilous turns in a serial that feels the same, day after day.
If it comes in grey, we think sorrows gather to attend a dark mass.If it suddens to black, we feel the burning tears of the night as our own.If it runs through red, we know somewhere smoke is having its way.If it dawns as gold, then we light a wick of hope on the sill of the day.Every new hue comes rich with meaning as we apply what lies withinto every temporal thing that passes too briefly to cherish without.
Innocent clouds lose their naiveté to structure and the deeper whimsof ominous weather. What whispers today may scream silence tomorrow.Every thing we are plays out above us as it always has. Oracles appearand retreat, their prophesies fraught with uncertainty, each revelation moot with flux. If being human were not enough to lend sky to, thenthis would matter only to the most stranded and wingless among us.
So we read the stories as they come. This one spells your name backward in the western sky. This one corrects a minor inconsistency in a lie retold too often to be your life for much longer. This one throws out the truenature of what you are for all the world to wander beneath without evernoticing. Only you know the lasting plots that make the stories what theyare, what they’ve always been, and what they will, in brevity, become.
There are places where water is drawn up delicately from rock, its tenuous entwine released one finger after the other until naked sand runs through and time again moves freely.
There are places planes fall from perilous skies, oceans that give little of it back, the remembrance of such things strewn as deep mementos kept within a vaster recollection.
There are places we dare to go only with the lights on, familiar routes through rooms of a house we barely inhabit but for practical furnishings that belie unseen discomfort.
There are places we seldom visit, limbs and hearts given over to purposes not our own, feet whose minds were beset to trod some journey we dared imagine as ours.
There are places that hold no name, mapless, disencompassed, defined in shifting borders that cannot be staked or claimed, places we wander through eyeless and smiling, calling it home.
wisdom is worth all we lose to attain it. ~aucassin verdé
i wonder if the artist ever lives his life-—he is so busy recreating it. only as i write do i realize myself. i don't know what that does to life. ~anne sexton
you must acquire the trick of ignoring those who do not like you. in my experience, those who do not like you fall into two categories: the stupid and the envious. the stupid will like you in five years time. the envious, never.~john wilmot, 2nd earl of rochester
art arises when the secret vision of the artist and the manifestation of nature agree to find new shapes. ~kahlil gibran
creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. art is knowing which ones to keep. ~scott adams
those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. ~golda meir
i said to my soul, be still,
and wait without hope,
for hope would be hope
for the wrong thing.
wait without love,
for love would be love
of the wrong thing.
there is yet faith;
but the faith and the love
and the hope are all
in the waiting.
wait without thought,
for you are not ready for thought.
so the darkness shall be the light,
and the stillness the dancing.
~t.s. eliot